COLONOSCOPY Results – COLITIS HAS GONE! – Healed Naturally

OK friends, I am very overdue with a blog post, so here goes.

The truth is I am considering winding up my holistic stuff, both here on WordPress and my Facebook page. I know there is some value for people who need inspiration and some guidance in these troubling times of chronic illness and confusion, but I can only do so many things and put my focus in so many areas, and my attention is drawn to my wife’s work, retreats and meetings we do together, and my poetry and music.

I am not sure so if you have anything to say please let me know.


Recently, in December, I finally succumbed to having a colonoscopy screening for colon cancer. I haven’t had a colonoscopy for over 8 years and have not wanted to have one. But since being here in the US, having some symptoms and a history of ulcerative colitis, the clinic persuaded me (through fear) that I should have one. I resisted because I don’t respond to fear based invitations, but last year (2018) as a result of a very intense detoxification program (thanks to Medical Medium protocol – link at the end) I started to get blood and mucus in my stool. It tested positive for blood and I managed, through grace, and living in progressive San Francisco, to get myself a colonoscopy FREE!

Believe me, that is a result, and one for which I am very grateful, because the cost of a colonoscopy can be up to $3000.

But I was very reluctant because I simply don’t like responding to life from fear.

The procedure happened December 20th at Kaiser hospital in San Francisco. What an experience! Talk about conveyor belt of colonoscopies, I have never seen anything like it. Apparently Kaiser in California hold the Guinness World Record for the most colonoscopies in one day ( )

It was super efficient and unlike the English more laid back system. This was AMERICAN! That means pretty big, efficient and no nonsense.

I had prepared for the procedure with the usual muck to clean the system, but to be honest it wasn’t very tough, just some tablets and drink and lots of bowel movement until I was empty, no solid food and so on. It’s not that scary when you have done these things before.

They sedated me in the procedure room and talked about what would happen and I expected to be half awake like in England and then boom! I woke up with Amoda next to me in the recovery room, totally oblivious to what happen. They knock you out here, simple as that.

So then we delicately made our way home for some nice food and a day of recovery.

RESULTS! This is what you want to hear about…

Well, the big news is double pronged.

First. No sign of any colon cancer. Done. I didn’t expect any but of course I am in increased danger because of a history of colon inflammation. But all clear. Yay!

Second. There is no inflammation, and therefore no colitis, in the colon. There is a small amount of inflammation in the rectum, and they want to call that proctitis. That means, and I am going to shout this so that if you want to share it with those who have ulcerative colitis or inflammatory bowel disease, THERE IS NO COLITIS, AND NO INFLAMMATION, IN MY colon. I do not have ULCERATIVE COLITIS any more at all. It’s gone. There is a small amount of inflammation in the rectum. That does not call for much action, although of course their recommended treatment involves pharmaceuticals (Canasa, whatever that is!)
This is really great news and supports the notion that this chronic disease and therefore many other chronic auto immune conditions, can actually be healed, certainly vastly improved, through NATURAL METHODS. Because in all the 12 or so years I experienced this thing called ulcerative colitis, I didn’t take one tablet of medication. That was my firm decision, and even though it was challenging and demanding, and the whole journey of healing was extraordinary, the results are in…


The consultant I saw in University College Hospital in London in 2005 told me, absolutely and without any discussion, that ‘You will have it for life, and you will be on medication for life.’

I wish I could see him today, and show him the letter I have from my MD who did the colonoscopy.

So there you have it friends. All those years of healing work, from the physical, diet, and body work and exercise, to the emotional, the cathartic, the spiritual, the forgiveness, the acceptance, the resolve to dig deeper, the whole shebang of the healing journey, all worth it.

But not worth it because of this colonoscopy, although I do feel proud and vindicated because of it, worth it because it forged me as a warrior who decided to find his own way, to buck the system that says ‘You can’t do that,’ and to choose to find out for myself. I did find out for myself.

And the news was good.

Thanks for reading!


Medical Medium Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie –

Childhood Autoimmune Disease – Why?

I have recently been approached by my Ayurvedic doctors here in the US to talk to a couple who live here in California, who have a daughter just diagnosed with ulcerative colitis at 9 years old!

What they want from me is some of my experience with the ‘illness’ and what happened, what I did, what to expect etc etc.

We have had one call so far and in all honesty what I offered them was a listening ear and lots of empathy for the shock they are in.

They didn’t see it coming, why would you?

There were some minor indications but nothing big, until suddenly bam! Hospital for acute symptoms.

And then equally as suddenly they are in the medical system, and the medical system when it comes to auto immune and blood loss and acute symptoms in the bowel area is extreme medication to stop blood loss in its tracks and pump the body full of steroids or non steroidal meds.

And then there is the anaemia, and this is a child!

Why are more and more young people, and even tiny children, getting this?
Environmental Toxins?

Anyway, I am supporting them with this sudden change in life they are going to have, because now they need to change. Things don’t just go away, there is no band aid, no magic bullet, for auto immune or any other chronic disease. We have to adjust and include it in our lives.

This couple will have to research and grow in awareness and knowledge. They need to become advocates for their little girl, she is going to need them.

Can she heal?
I hope so, and I do believe so. But its an ongoing balance and dance between the needs demanded by acute situations and the pressure of the medical authorities and the possibility of natural healing.

My heart goes out to them, and thats why I’m doing something different by supporting them. 

Update on Gut Healing and IBD, Colitis Books


I want to update you about some links to the best books I know for general gut healing and specifically colitis, crohn’s and all things ‘colonic.’

Some old links will no longer work from tomorrow, August 1st. Those links are to Jini Patel Thompson’s ‘Listen To Your Gut’ book on my site. And to her website in general, which has lots of products and information about healing IBD, colitis and crohn’s.

This is the new link to her shop:
Listen To Your Gut Shop

Her book has been downloaded and bought many times and it seems to help. At the very least it provides a springboard to new ideas. At best it gives very detailed and practical knowledge of what to do during acute episodes of colitis and crohn’s, what probiotics to take, how and what to eat, and the emotional side of IBD.

It is worth a look if you are still lost and wondering what to do.


Click on the book picture to check out the book itself.

Thanks, and have a great day.


A Different Take on Auto Immune and Chronic Illness

I am not going to ask you to believe me, I am simply inviting you to explore all possibilities.

You see, there is much more to chronic illness, and our current upsurge of mysterious issues, than meets the eye. If you are happy with the endless labelling of illness as this ‘disease’ or that ‘syndrome,’ then you may want to stop reading.

If you have wondered why most diagnoses are painfully dissatisfying and don’t actually describe the root cause, or if you have realized that most names of illnesses are just that, names and descriptions, nothing more or less, then you may want to read on.

When I started to understand that the so called incurable condition I was diagnosed with, ‘Ulcerative Colitis,’ was only another way of saying my colon was inflamed and had some ulcers, I began to see through the illusion of labels, and how they distort our perception and understanding.

So I want to invite you to look at this guy and what he has got to say. Don’t look with the closed and narrow mind that thinks it knows and is supremely suspicious. Just look with openness and interest. You can look and explore and then throw away. Don’t throw away what you haven’t explored!

The Medical Medium is an enigma. I was confused by him at first, and still am to some extent. I, probably like you, am cautious of ‘snake oil salesmen,’ and am not interested in bullshit. So it has taken me a while to even look at this guy.

But I’m glad I did. He is, if it’s true, remarkable. And if he isn’t, he has duped a lot of people and got testimonials from some very famous people, all on view at his website.

But it’s what he says about chronic illness and this whole ‘auto immune’ thing that really stuck me as wild.

BECAUSE he claims that there is absolutely no such thing as auto immunity. None.


But the whole medical model revolves around this? It is predicated on medicating the immune system into suppression, because they believe the immune system is fully armed and turning its arms on itself.

He says that the body would NEVER do that.

I don’t want to explain more, because I won’t do him justice if I try and explain, but he proposes a pretty reasonable explanation and actually offers people a lot more hope of healing than most of the medical possibilities.

You will have to see for yourself. And make your own mind up. This is the book I’m reading now. It gives his own story and details the major areas of concern and what to do about them.

Check it out! And NO, I am not on any affiliate. I just want you to broaden your options and see beyond the veil.

His website

His book on Amazon

Chronic Disease and the Magic Bullet Syndrome

This weekend I was asked again about how I healed Ulcerative Colitis by a third party who was trying to ‘help’ someone in their family who was desperate and suffering. I have been asked this question in various forms many times, and been asked for ‘tips and suggestions’ about what to do.

And I have to say there is something about the asking of these questions in this way that frustrates me so much.


Because it implicitly suggests and hopes that healing a major chronic disease is something that can be done easily without making much change or dramatic transformation, as if there is some secret ‘magic bullet’ that I found that instantly solved the whole thing and allowed me to carry on with my life the same way without changing anything.

I dont mean this implicit suggestion is even conscious on the questioners part, or the sufferers part. It comes more from not knowing and desperately hoping that they won’t have to do THAT much.

Because the simple fact is that people don’t want to change that much. Even when they are ill. It may sound shocking but a lot of people are so stuck in their lives, emotions, habits, thoughts and beliefs, that they would rather endure chronic illness than venture beyond the safety zone of their lives and step into the unknown. The mind and emotions desperately want safety and security of the known. And that is what you have to leave behind if you are going to heal anything.

It is exactly the same journey and challenge on the spiritual path. You cannot reach awakening or enlightenment while your strongest desire is to stay in the realm of the known, which is where it is most comfortable.

Here is where it gets a bit strange. It is called the ‘comfort zone’ but actually I’ve never met anyone inside it who is very comfortable. True comfort is found where comfort zone dissolves and the walls of false protection come crumbling down.
There is no place for what is false in spirituality OR healing.

So to return to my point. When I get asked these questions I have to respond truthfully. This is the kind of thing I say.

Dear ……

The journey of healing for me was an extraordinary undertaking that totally changed my life. I didn’t expect it but it happened because I surrendered to it and gave myself to it 100% without holding anything back. It took at least 10 years of dedication and struggle, self love and warrior-like strength.

It doesn’t have to take that long for everyone BUT it DOES take the same amount of courage and resourcefulness. Chronic illness, by the time it manifests as symptoms, has probably been lurking in the system for many years. It has something to do with many aspects of one’s life, from the physical to the emotional and the mental. Some of those things can be changed, looked at and transformed. There is no magic bullet to this, although there are helpful things. It is a big journey and a profound invitation for those who experience it. It is actually life itself rising up and saying, ‘Something you have been doing, some ways of living, eating, thinking, some emotions you have been carrying, no longer serve you and you need to change them.’

The experiencer can take that message as self blame or self negation, in which case they will suffer more, or they can step up to the challenge and make a big decision that they will meet this with openness, strength, vulnerability, willingness and power.’ With those qualities, with a lot of support, preferably from natural healers, functional doctors, and appropriate therapists, then that person will, step by step, slowly slowly, go on their journey. No one knows where it will lead. That is the mystery.

But I will guarantee you that it will change them, make them deeper and wiser, more self loving, more aware, more powerful, and more knowledgable than any course in pharmaceutical medication could.

And they may heal their chronic illness.

Thats why it’s difficult to offer tips and suggestions.

With great love and kindness.


Is Chronic Disease the Price we Pay for Modern Life?

I think we have a problem. A big problem facing the whole of society, no matter which country we are in (unless its a very natural and simple one far away from modern life)

That problem is that we are in danger of accepting chronic illness, and particularly auto immune related illness, AS THE NORM. We are in danger of accepting that auto immunity is a natural response to a toxic environment, and we are attempting to pacify the body, hide the symptoms and label the disease but we are not, en masse, or from the highest level of politics, doing anything about it from the environmental perspective.

I believe we actually think that chronic disease is the price we pay for modern urban living.


When we draw back and look at this issue from a collective, national and global standpoint we see some terrifying patterns. Obviously from the personal position we don’t care about global patterns or what it’s even caused by, because we are so preoccupied and taken up with our own journey of healing or intervention. But if the very root of our illness is our constant reactivity to aspects of our environment that we can never escape then we have a problem. We will never heal enough to feel great or truly healthy, but we will simply carry around low grade or high grade symptoms and fend off acute illness for as long as possible until we finally succumb.

If the very root of our illness is our constant reactivity to aspects of our environment that we can never escape then we have a problem.

So many people are sick. So many people are chronically sick, acutely sick, low grade sick, only just able to function sick.
Chronic disease is epidemic, no one doubts that. Since the 20th Century burst open, with its wars and its extraordinary industrialization, its chemicals and factories and intense farming, chronic disease has been growing. But since the 1990’s and the turn of this Century things have escalated, and as far as I see, hear and experience as I travel around, they don’t look like stopping. It is out of control. If it was murder, terrorism or car crashes we would be freaking out. But because it is chronic illness we don’t bat an eyelid.


My feeling is thus: We should NEVER accept chronic illness as normal. Just because its the appropriate response of the immune system and nervous system to a toxic and highly stressful, chemical laden, environment, that in itself is no reason to accept it as normal. We have to do everything and anything, personally and collectively, environmentally and politically, to deal with the environmental triggers, to reduce chemical toxicity, to clean up air, water and city, to actually study wifi and discuss the dangers.

Here is what we can do. GET AS HEALTHY AS POSSIBLE, without being tight or rigid about it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about diets or losing weight (I DO mean finding your natural weight), I am talking about doing everything in your power to detox your lymphatic system, clear up your gut health, reduce stress, improve sleep, hydration and vegetable intake. Choose organic and non GMO ALWAYS! Exercise the body, sweat and breathe. Release emotional stuckness, rigid thoughts and beliefs and RELAX! Get out in the sun, dance and walk in nature. 

Remove toxic products as much as possible from your life, your house, bathroom and car. They are everywhere. Research what is natural and buy it. Prioritize health above almost everything else, except maybe your kids. If you have kids, prioritize THEIR health! 

Did I say sort out your gut? Detox your brain, your gut, your liver, heal your adrenals and kidneys. Research the dangers of wifi and start to do what you can to protect yourself from the danger. At least don’t sleep with your phone.

All of this you could do, sick or not. And I promise you it will help your body defense system deal with today’s toxic load. You will be the healthiest person in the hospital. And even though you may still be diagnosed with some chronic condition you won’t even feel it because you will be strong and healthy. A strange idea I know but it seems to be the times we live in.

Let me know what you think.

What Did I Do To Heal Ulcerative Colitis?

One thing I am always careful of when I talk to people about healing ‘disease’ is this. No two people are the same, there is no one magic bullet that heals all people of all diseases, and thus what worked for me may not work for someone else.

Once we really understand that we have a choice to take greater responsibility for our own predicament. It is not always easy being both the sufferer AND becoming the investigator and researcher. But that is what must happen. Of course we will always need experts and professionals to guide us, support us and test us, but part of the healing itself is for us to become actively involved in making sense of our situation and becoming our own healers. That process creates new energy within us that becomes part of the journey.

So with all that said let me share once again some insights into my own healing path and what it involved.

When I was diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (in particular Ulcerative Colitis) I had no idea what it was or what to do. But my first instinct was to investigate more rather than just accept the medication and prognosis the consultants and doctors offered me. I figured (intuitively) that my body was in meltdown with an overload of toxicity so to just load it up with more pharmaceuticals was heading in the wrong direction.

The professionals thought I was irresponsible and just plain wrong. I walked out of the hospital. I believe I was right, and the proof is that I never took any medication from that day to this, and those same professionals were emphatic that I would be on meds for the rest of my life. It just goes to show some of what is possible. They are not always right by any stretch of the imagination.

So that was important for me. I didn’t load my body any more than it was already loaded.

And then I went full-on detoxification. I could no longer eat properly anyway, suffering at times 20 bowel movements a day, losing a lot of blood and becoming increasingly weaker and more anaemic day by day. I went to India for two more detoxification panchakarmas, and I shifted slowly to a raw food diet. Raw food is inherently cleansing, but also pretty rough on the colon and very cooling, so there was a positive effect but also a negative effect and pretty soon I think my immune system was all but shut down, leaving me vulnerable to other issues like Raynaud’s disease, possible scleroderma and thyroid problems.

I spent two years 90% housebound and lost in confusion, fear, anger and physical suffering. It was tough. But I worked and worked on myself. I left no stone unturned, and even when I gave up I didn’t really give up. I hit rock bottom but somehow hung on in there and trusted that something deep was happening. I learned that healing is not a linear movement, it works in a spiral. And that means sometimes we feel worse when we are getting better, and at times we must revisit old traumas and scary places in order to assimilate them and/or let them go.

I learned that healing is PROFOUND. The healing call, if and when it calls, is not some little voice that just wants everything alright again. It is bigger, much bigger than that. The healing voice is shouting at us to change everything, to change fundamentally. It is huge. It wants TRANSFORMATION.

It took everything for me.

But here is the most extraordinary thing that changed for me, and for which I am still grateful and still amazed.

I saw and healed the dysfunctional relationship between my mind and my body. I came to understand what part in my illness, and wellness, in fact my whole life, my mind played. It was a HUGE revelation and one which still reveals itself over and over again.

I don’t think we have yet fully grasped the power of mind to influence body, both negatively and positively. I am so glad I worked on it, and I always advise those who are in any way suffering, to inquire for themselves what is going on.

I like to think of it like this. There is a mutual relationship going on between mind and body. Mind affects body AND body affects mind. It is a bio energetic feedback loop. And it can get very stuck in one mode of operation, that of negativity. It doesn’t matter where it started, in the body or in the mind, who cares! What matters is intervention in the endless loop. Intervene as deep as possible on the body level and things will slowly change on the mental level, which will then affect the body level. Intervene on the mental level and it will slowly have an impact on the body level.

But intervene on BOTH the body level AND the mental level and transformation of the whole organism may well happen.

It was tough for me. It lasted at least ten years and it took me to every part of myself. It was slow. It was scary. Like all huge journeys it challenged me, called me to step up to the plate, but eventually things started to change.

Clean up the body. Clean up the mind.

As you can read, I’m not talking about the details of what I did to heal. I haven’t mentioned any foods, herbs, protocols, supplements, exercises, meditations or anything. That is the challenge we all face.

The people who I have met who have healed have all got one thing in common. They have activated their inner power, their inner guidance system. They have taken massive action to heal. Of course it doesn’t always lead to healing in the way we understand it. Some people heal their hearts but lose their bodies. There is no rule that says if we do this action we will get this return. Life is mysterious and we really have no idea what is happening. All we can do is love ourselves and the world as much as possible, heal our wounds, our bodies and our minds and leave the rest to God.

That is what I did.

If you are on this journey I apologize for not offering you anything that feels definite but I always hope this gives you cause for optimism and encouragement. The healing journey was the greatest experience of my life. It helped me, no it forced me, to confront myself, let go of old grievances, heal my wounded heart and mind, change addictive patterns and come into the full bloom of my being. I have become very grateful to what happened, and even though it was not something I would have chosen, by embracing the journey and the experience I allowed it to heal through the power of divine intelligence.

Human beings are extraordinary and our capacity far outreaches our current knowledge or belief systems. Stretch your beliefs, stretch your imagination, stretch your actions and sure as heck something will happen.

Four powerful steps I took.

  1. I supported my body in the healing journey. I didn’t suppress symptoms. I navigated them.
  2. I took massive action to learn about my experience and apply my learning.
  3. I healed my toxic thoughts and beliefs through meditations, visualization, therapists and healers.
  4. I developed a deeper trust and resolve and power.
  5. I NEVER gave up.

With great love Kavi

Crohn’s and Colitis, An Exploration of Healing

Very pleased to share this You Tube Video with you. In it I talk with a good friend (and band member) Paul McGillivray about his experience with Crohn’s Disease. It could just as easily be about Colitis, or any IBD.

This revealing and frank conversation is actually about all chronic illness, and details some of the intense challenges and difficulties, but also some of the blessings, we face when we meet it.

There is also a link to sound cloud Audio below: