Pharmaceutical companies should be non-profit by their very nature, working for the greater good, not for-profit entities that function for greed of the investors.

The monetization of illness is a sign of moral bankruptcy.


The body is intelligent

It knows what to do

We underestimate it

And we abuse it

In fact we toxify it

Which makes it harder to hear

And then we wonder what’s wrong

And we want to fix it

But first we must fix our thinking

And learn to work WITH the body

Not against it

It is not the enemy

Despite what we are led to believe

It is the greatest miracle we know

And the keeper of our existence

It is the utter genius of nature manifested

And it is not easily overpowered by mind

Everything the body brings up is a doorway

It may bring up fear, or anger, or shame

No matter, see each emotion as a doorway to freedom and to love

Embrace this body, you are not getting another one

And be done with this foolish notion that it doesn’t matter

Or that the modern notion of war upon nature is intelligent.

My Kindle Book, The Power of Illness, is now $0.99

I have made the cost of my book ‘The Power of Illness to Change Your Life,’ as low as Amazon will allow.

They will not allow me to make it free so $0.99 is as good as it gets.

I think you might enjoy it. It is the story, at least some of it, of how I healed naturally from a serious case of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, despite doctors and professionals assertions that healing was impossible.

It is a pretty wild and reassuring story with some good pointers if that is what you are looking for.

Here are some reviews.

Great book. Fully explains the journey of healing, describing all the alternative therapies available to heal holistically. I have tried to lead a spiritual wholesome healthy lifestyle, and sometimes things change, and we are further from where we started or wanted to be. This book has given me the push to get healthy again and look after the body and mind. Highly recommend it.

Kavi writes with so much passion, insight, respect and care for the reader.
His book is part biographical, part information and guidance. I have learnt a huge amount from reading this book and the writing style is very easy to follow.
This truly is a book for everyone – whether you are well or unwell. If you are considering buying this, do it! You will not regret it!
A truly inspirational book, to be read again and again.

Give it a try. I want everyone to understand that healing IS possible, it’s not some figment of the imagination. I do not care what doctors say, they were wrong in my case and they might be wrong in others cases.

We are in delicate and disturbing times when immune integrity matters more than ever. I had to deal with exactly that. And it has helped me and healed me.

Please please please download my book. It is not perfect and it’s not a ‘how to’ manual. It’s an inspirational message that we have more capability than we are told. But we must take power over our bodies, emotions and thoughts.

A Personal View of Our Corrupted Immune Systems and Why It Matters

I have said it so many times, if we don’t have our immunity we are screwed.

If we don’t have our wellness lived as a priority in life we are extremely susceptible to all manner of insults that come upon us in the course of daily life, whether that be from flu, more virulent virus, or from allergies, colds, coughs and everything else.

When I look at the 20th century, amongst all the great and wonderful feats humanity achieved during that extraordinary time, from the elimination of terrible diseases, to the introduction of modern medicine, to health care on a new level, to longer life and better child birth, I also see a radical decline in people’s immunity, a massive increase in chronic illness, an obesity explosion, GMO foods, toxic water, denatured foodstuffs, chemical laden supply chain, mass farming, animals pumped full of god knows what, a huge rise in stress and anxiety, fast paced living and an increasing separation from nature.

And that is the contributing factor to what I would call an immune integrity disaster waiting to be exploited. And then here comes a virus that exploits our impaired immunity and we are plunged into a huge global epidemic.

A reminder, this is purely a personal view, not of the virus or what it is or any moral question around it. This is purely about our immune system and why, after this is over, one of the greatest lessons we can learn from it is that it is imperative that we, each of us, take greater charge of our health and wellbeing, from the ground up, or else we may not be so lucky next time.

That greater responsibility from the ground up means sorting out our nutrients, food, diet, sleep, exercise, getting the sun, getting in nature, all the physical stuff, dealing with addictions, which means dealing with the emotional stuff of carrying bags of old trauma and grievances around, dealing with stress and anxiety, which means dealing with negative thoughts and beliefs, getting into meditation, yoga, mindfulness and positivity, which means addressing the spiritual side of life, finding a deeper peace and inner harmony. And what I mean is not doing all that because you have to but because you want to.

We were built for immune integrity, for a calm nervous system, built for natural health, not chemical health or a life kept alive by pharmaceutical medicines. Chemical drugs may keep you alive but they will wreck havoc on your immunity.

Some good must come out of this global tragedy. There are many things to learn, and this ‘stay at home’ lesson is guiding us into reflection of what we value and how we live, it is inviting us to look at our relationships with ourselves and others, and, to me, more than anything it must make us reevaluate the very way we are living. I doubt the government will help with this. Most governments are either in bed with, or held hostage by, multi national corporations and vested interests. Big pharma and big food are almost unbelievably influential and guide policy, so we simply cannot honestly look towards them when we need to restore our immune integrity. We are on our own, with each other and with natural health professionals. Fortunately with the internet there is no excuse not to become informed and intelligent, and take whatever level of action is required to upgrade your health and therefore your immune system.

I know this short message might seem obvious, but believe me, the number of people who are not doing it and may never get round to doing it, is incredible.

Don’t be one of them. Upgrade, and don’t wait, start today. Because today is every day.

With blessings of great immunity.



Clean Up Your Temple – A Poem

If you want to hear, for one moment,
What I would advise
For maximum spiritual development
And embodied transformation
Beyond all the lofty attainment
Of non duality and advaita
It would be this

Clean up all you do
Clean up your body temple
Cleanse and nourish
Often and with vigor
Eat the rainbow and remove the toxins

Attend to the emotional body
Reinforced and supported by bodily habits and addictions
Heal old emotions, shine the light of love
On all that is held in grievance and resentment
Let it go, let it all go, for the sake of peace

Delve into mind’s rigidity and righteous beliefs
Entertain the unknown as your intimate friend
And become loose and relaxed

And seek only spiritual equanimity and love

If you attend to these fours pillars of wisdom
Body, emotion, mind, and spirit
You will see radical and fundamental change
But if you leave one pillar out
Your temple will be lopsided and incomplete.

Nervous System Overload, A Modern Malady

If you discovered that the fear
The anxiety, the grief, the rage
Were your nervous system
Crying out for support and release
For care and understanding

Would you do something about it?

Well it is

You have built an identity
Out of a complex set of responses,
Memories and perceptions
You are more a ‘we’ than a ‘me’
And the ‘we’ is trying to say something
Trying to get some attention

Grief, suppressed anger, rage,
Fear, trauma, shame
When they are denied the full flow
Of their energy
Take up residence in the energetic system
They reside in the nervous system

The nervous system
Is an energy system
Electrical and biological energy
A storage and release system
It is exquisite, but it is designed to release its energy

It is an ultra sensitive and miraculously designed system. It will not be easily overridden. But in our ignorance and our wounding and our fear we make attempts to override it. And it leads to trouble, emotional, mental and physical trouble.

Spiritual understanding alone does not necessarily touch or shift what might be ‘stuck’ in the nervous system. I don’t care whether you call it Kundalini or Nervous System Overload. It needs attending to in some way.
Sometimes simply acknowledging this, or even allowing it fully to rise to the surface, can be enough.
Sometimes full scale body/emotional release work is necessary.

It may take a moment, or a day, or a year, or ten years.

I have rarely seen it fully dissolved and released through a mental understanding or even experience of ‘awakening.’ It is one thing to have an experience of awakening but the work really starts afterwards if the old stuff is still stuck in the nervous system.

Yes, it’s emotional, and it will require voyaging into the murky world of emotions, and of course we don’t want to go there. But one way or another the fact is that if there is anything that has taken up residence in the energetic system we call the nervous system, it must be attended to, and released into freedom.

So many people are walking around with such clear understanding, but on deeper exploration we discover the nervous system is on overload, and that’s where the work is.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Digest Your Experience

The root of great health and vitality
Is great digestion and elimination
It might sound obvious but let me tell you
That digestion and elimination
Must also include life experiences and the past
So many people are digestively compromised
Because they cannot fully digest their past

Or eliminate the waste product
Therefore they cannot gain the necessary nutrition
And there is always some nutrition to be had
From experience, even negative experience

If you want great health and better digestion
Turn attention not just to eating better
But to proper digestion of your life, your past,
Your wounds, those dark areas, the no go areas,
And find a way to transmute them through full digestion

What does that mean?
It means letting them in to your inner world
Eating them, chewing them over, absorbing them,
But not indulging them or creating yet another story
Out of them
But, like food, extracting the goodness from them,
Any nutrients, anything useful, and then eliminating the waste
And then forgetting about them

I have seen hundreds of people
Still carrying around the past
Unable to accept it, unable to digest it
And thus unable to really live here and now
And those same people often express
Digestive issues, or chronic illness
Or constipation, or some other related problem.

This is not as far out as it may sound.

The Mystery of Healing Illness

People want to know how I healed Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

They ask for tips, bits of advice that might help.

I understand this, really I do. I understand how confusing and desperate it is when you are very sick. I understand how you want someone to say ‘Do this, do that, try this, try that.’ And I know for myself it can be helpful…But

I stopped working with people specifically around illness. I used to do coaching and guidance about healing. I wrote a book about my own journey called ‘The Power of Illness to Change Your Life.’

But I stopped.

Why? I stopped because, from my own experience, I know what a massive journey and 100% life transformation it can mean to really heal. My own healing didn’t just return me to some imagined state of health I had before I got ill. My healing changed everything about me, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, energetically. I mean every area of me transformed. The healing of illness became a catalyst for the deepest inner change. It wasn’t healing illness, it was a doorway I went through that led me into a new experience of myself and life.

And I don’t know how ready most people are for that journey.

Of course it might not be the same for everyone. Not everyone wants to do that, and maybe it’s not appropriate for everyone. I am radical. I needed to be radical. I didn’t just want to fix the physical problem. I wanted liberation from everything that had contributed to a dysfunctional mindset, addictions, terrible lifestyle choices, suppressed emotions and old old traumas locked up in my body.

The journey I went on lasted so long it became my life. It didn’t stop at some point and I returned to who I was. Who I was disappeared and I was new. As my cellular body detoxified and revitalized so did my mind, my awareness, so did my heart, my skin, my blood, my very emotions. I got so deep into detoxification of the old stuff that it triggered a cascade of emotional healing, old memories, unconscious holding patterns that were lurking deep in my body mind system, contributing to my illness.

There was nowhere I didn’t go within myself, nothing I haven’t done in pursuit of healing.

It worked. There is no Inflammatory Bowel Disease now. Colonoscopy is clear. No symptoms, none. Great bowels, great digestion and elimination. Great health, great energy. Sure, there are the ups and downs of being a 60 year old human who put his body through hell for 25 years. But all in all I look young, people think I’m young, I scrub up well and I’m alive and vibrant.

I never took any medication. NONE. Despite the initial consultant telling me without any doubt at all I would be on meds for life guaranteed, I never took any! That meant I had to become a warrior, develop deep trust in the healing process and stay the course even when the sea got rough. And it did get rough.

Never believe what you are told. Listen to it, learn from it, get second opinions, listen to your inner voice. Ask your higher self. Gestate it, consider whether you believe it deeply or not. It doesn’t matter who tells you. Truth is malleable, flexible and it changes, depending on many factors. And sometimes it doesn’t. There is no guarantee, just as there is no magic bullet.

Illness is a huge deal. It changes everything about your relationship to others, to yourself, to life, to existence. Don’t belittle it or try and reduce it to ‘a few tips’ or a simple remedy. It is a life changer.

But not to everyone. Some folks heal quickly and only make minor changes. Healing is a mystery.

But this is my pitch. It is always beyond tips. Everything is beyond ‘tips.’ Spiritual transformation is beyond tips. Mastery of any sort is extensive and deep. That’s what it seems to be for, at least part of it.

It is a massive undertaking, and must be undertaken willingly. Resentment creates tension. Tension is something that must be resolved, not perpetuated. Illness for most of us is a calling to the fire of transformation.

My advice is leave no stone unturned. Do everything, explore all options. Open all doors, even the ones that you have to prise open.
It will hurt, do it anyway.
You will cry until you can’t bear it any more, do it anyway.
Face your fears, your worst darkness. Face the possibility of death and heal anyway.
Become lighter and lighter. Utterly change your eating and dietary habits. Detox, detox, detox, detox, deeper and deeper. Strengthen, strengthen strengthen the inner body, the cellular body.
Feed your cells what they want, LIGHT.
Light is what our bodies want. That light comes in food, greens and berries and food that is alive. That light comes as love, kindness, forgiveness, acceptance, joy, love, wonder and beauty. That lightness comes in nature and relaxation.
Do whatever you can, and become an expert on yourself.
That’s the only tip I have.
And leave the rest to God.

With all my love Kavi Jezzie Hockaday.

Illness and Awakening – The Deepest Acceptance

I lived with major chronic illness for over 10 years.
Fifteen years later I am immensely grateful to the experience.
It played a huge part in my coming to consciousness.
It brought me to humility, tenderness and wisdom.
It forced me to look at the whole of me and let go of what was causing tightness or stress on the system.
It demanded I pay attention to what and how I digested the world, from the food I was eating, to what and how I was emotionally digesting my experiences, past and present.
It was a total revolution of awareness and understanding.

You just can’t experience this kind of thing without it teaching you valuable and humbling truths.
Of course you can also turn away from it in (over) medication, depression, resentment and resignation but that’s not the focus of my attention here. I am speaking to those who are confused, who long to open, who experience the confusion and shock, to those who seek awakening but might be ‘stuck with a persistent chronic (or acute) illness.’

This is really about love and the deepest acceptance of what is.

Yes, I was diagnosed with bowel disease. I felt it was the result of a lifetime of toxic living, major inflammation, buried fear and anxiety and a bad luck call.
I fought it and surrendered.
I loved it.
I hated it.
I listened to it.
I raged at my fate, at the unfairness of it.
I accepted the prospect of death, or the possibility of never healing.
I took it only as personally as I needed, which was a warrior’s task in itself.
I saw the body as illusion and still turned towards love.
I worked with all my beliefs, the good, the bad and the dark.
Ultimately I died into it.
And still I kept on inquiring into it, healing it, working with it.
And don’t misunderstand me, I also worked on inflammation, detox, nourishment, body work modalities, releasing deeply held stress and trauma, and so on. Mine was not a purely ‘spiritual’ journey. It was truly holistic.

The shock of a huge diagnosis in 2005 catapulted me (and Amoda my wife) into fear and panic. It totally engulfed my life but strangely it also focused my energy. There was something almost inevitable about it, it didn’t feel separate from my life. I don’t mean this on the superficial level, because on that level it DID come out of the blue. But on the deeper, intuitive, subtle level, there was a sense that this was a part of my life, albeit uninvited (maybe), but it would be unwise to completely push it away.

I had no choice, it came at me like a massive wave, crashing into my life, into our life.

Those of you who have experienced this know. When illness really strikes it is impossible to ignore. It becomes your new lover, your new teacher.
Illness moves in with you, whether you like it or not. And if you are in relationship suddenly you are in a threesome. It is exactly like an uninvited guest taking up lodging in your body and life.

It becomes your guru or your tormentor, and usually both.

Oh! it hasn’t been easy, it has been relentless. But it has compelled me to go so deep inside myself I found the mine of rubies, that which is untouched by illness, that which is innocent and always free. It actually liberated me. And brought me to love without attachment.

The thing that I learned most about illness is this. It is not ultimately about whether it physically heals, or goes, or any of those things. Of course on a certain level it is very much preferable to be restored to functionality.

But ultimately it is about the depth of the love it can bring us to. The body is a wild teacher, and illness is very wrathful. But it has so much to tell us about ourselves and about life.

This little poem sums up how I feel.

‘If you haven’t fully digested past experiences,
Assimilated what was nourishing
And eliminated what is no longer needed
You may have digestive issues
On all levels of your being.

The past is poison if it rots in your system.’

If this speaks to you, if you are experiencing some of this, I hope it has spoken to you and allowed you to go deeper, or just relieved stress for a moment, or you can feel my tenderness towards you and your suffering. It is all the mystery and none of us knows why or even what really we should do.

As Ram Dass wonderfully said, ‘We are all walking each other home.’

With love – Kavi

COLONOSCOPY Results – COLITIS HAS GONE! – Healed Naturally

OK friends, I am very overdue with a blog post, so here goes.

The truth is I am considering winding up my holistic stuff, both here on WordPress and my Facebook page. I know there is some value for people who need inspiration and some guidance in these troubling times of chronic illness and confusion, but I can only do so many things and put my focus in so many areas, and my attention is drawn to my wife’s work, retreats and meetings we do together, and my poetry and music.

I am not sure so if you have anything to say please let me know.


Recently, in December, I finally succumbed to having a colonoscopy screening for colon cancer. I haven’t had a colonoscopy for over 8 years and have not wanted to have one. But since being here in the US, having some symptoms and a history of ulcerative colitis, the clinic persuaded me (through fear) that I should have one. I resisted because I don’t respond to fear based invitations, but last year (2018) as a result of a very intense detoxification program (thanks to Medical Medium protocol – link at the end) I started to get blood and mucus in my stool. It tested positive for blood and I managed, through grace, and living in progressive San Francisco, to get myself a colonoscopy FREE!

Believe me, that is a result, and one for which I am very grateful, because the cost of a colonoscopy can be up to $3000.

But I was very reluctant because I simply don’t like responding to life from fear.

The procedure happened December 20th at Kaiser hospital in San Francisco. What an experience! Talk about conveyor belt of colonoscopies, I have never seen anything like it. Apparently Kaiser in California hold the Guinness World Record for the most colonoscopies in one day ( )

It was super efficient and unlike the English more laid back system. This was AMERICAN! That means pretty big, efficient and no nonsense.

I had prepared for the procedure with the usual muck to clean the system, but to be honest it wasn’t very tough, just some tablets and drink and lots of bowel movement until I was empty, no solid food and so on. It’s not that scary when you have done these things before.

They sedated me in the procedure room and talked about what would happen and I expected to be half awake like in England and then boom! I woke up with Amoda next to me in the recovery room, totally oblivious to what happen. They knock you out here, simple as that.

So then we delicately made our way home for some nice food and a day of recovery.

RESULTS! This is what you want to hear about…

Well, the big news is double pronged.

First. No sign of any colon cancer. Done. I didn’t expect any but of course I am in increased danger because of a history of colon inflammation. But all clear. Yay!

Second. There is no inflammation, and therefore no colitis, in the colon. There is a small amount of inflammation in the rectum, and they want to call that proctitis. That means, and I am going to shout this so that if you want to share it with those who have ulcerative colitis or inflammatory bowel disease, THERE IS NO COLITIS, AND NO INFLAMMATION, IN MY colon. I do not have ULCERATIVE COLITIS any more at all. It’s gone. There is a small amount of inflammation in the rectum. That does not call for much action, although of course their recommended treatment involves pharmaceuticals (Canasa, whatever that is!)
This is really great news and supports the notion that this chronic disease and therefore many other chronic auto immune conditions, can actually be healed, certainly vastly improved, through NATURAL METHODS. Because in all the 12 or so years I experienced this thing called ulcerative colitis, I didn’t take one tablet of medication. That was my firm decision, and even though it was challenging and demanding, and the whole journey of healing was extraordinary, the results are in…


The consultant I saw in University College Hospital in London in 2005 told me, absolutely and without any discussion, that ‘You will have it for life, and you will be on medication for life.’

I wish I could see him today, and show him the letter I have from my MD who did the colonoscopy.

So there you have it friends. All those years of healing work, from the physical, diet, and body work and exercise, to the emotional, the cathartic, the spiritual, the forgiveness, the acceptance, the resolve to dig deeper, the whole shebang of the healing journey, all worth it.

But not worth it because of this colonoscopy, although I do feel proud and vindicated because of it, worth it because it forged me as a warrior who decided to find his own way, to buck the system that says ‘You can’t do that,’ and to choose to find out for myself. I did find out for myself.

And the news was good.

Thanks for reading!


Medical Medium Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie –